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Self-Invested Personal Pension (SIPP)

Be invested for the future you want. Save tax-efficiently from as little as £20 a month.

Important information - the value of investments can go down as well as up, so you may not get back what you invest. Eligibility to invest in a SIPP and tax treatment depends on personal circumstances and all tax rules may change in the future. You cannot normally access money in a SIPP until age 55 (57 from 2028). It's important to understand that pension transfers are a complex area and may not be suitable for everyone.

Look after future you, today

Our flexible, award-winning SIPP is a great way to invest for the future you want. It also comes with significant tax benefits. You choose what to invest in and when. And you can contribute with lump sums or with a regular savings plan.


Start saving today

Save from as little as £20 a month and HMRC will add to each payment*.


A wealth of choice

Thousands of funds and shares to choose from to help you reach your retirement goals.


Expert guidance

Online investment tools and insights to help with decisions.


A trusted provider

With over 50 years’ investing experience, we are trusted by over 1.6 million UK customers**.


Flexible retirement options

When the time comes to begin taking your pension.


Here to help you

Our UK and Ireland-based teams are on hand six days a week for extra support when you need it.

The minimum age you can normally access your pension savings is currently 55, and is due to rise to 57 on 6 April 2028, unless you have a lower protected pension age. Learn more about the normal minimum pension age

*The government contributes 20% basic rate tax relief of the total amount invested in your SIPP. To pay in a total of £25 to your SIPP, you only need to contribute £20, and the government will pay the other £5. If you pay income tax at above the basic rate, you can claim even more tax relief through your tax return or by writing to HMRC.​

**Source: Fidelity, as at 30.09.24


Why a Fidelity SIPP?

  • Wide investment choice - funds, shares, investment trusts and ETFs, giving you more ways to meet your goals.
  • Support to help with decisions - online guidance, planning calculators, easy-to-use investment selection tools, plus dedicated teams you can talk to. 
  • Additional benefits - if you invest over £250,000 with us, including a reduced service fee and your own Relationship Manager.
  • Which? Recommended Provider - we’re delighted to be a recommended provider for our SIPP four years running.
Transfer now

Tax-efficient savings

  • Any contributions you make are boosted by the government. For every £80 you invest HMRC adds £20 - and more if you’re a higher or additional rate taxpayer.
  • You can contribute and get tax relief up to the Annual Allowance of £60,000, or if you earn below this then tax relief is limited to 100% of your earnings (or to £3,600 if you have no earnings). Learn more about pension tax allowances
  • Your pension pot grows free of UK tax and you can normally take up to 25% tax free cash from age 55 (57 from 2028), with the rest of your withdrawals subject to income tax at your marginal rate.

Time to take control of your retirement

Open a SIPP

Start a regular savings plan from £20, or make a lump sum payment of at least £800.

Transfer a pension

Enter details of your current provider, we'll do the rest and let you know when it's complete.

Open a Junior SIPP

You could make a real difference to your child’s future too.

If your employer will be the primary payer to the SIPP, you can open an account with the Employer SIPP form.

If someone else (e.g. your partner) will be the primary payer, open your account with the Third party SIPP form.


Important information - Please note that withdrawals from a Junior SIPP will not normally be possible until the child reaches age 55 (57 from 2028).


Bring your pensions together and get £500 to £2,500 cashback

If you’ve got pensions spread across different providers, moving them to Fidelity could help you take control and get your money working harder. Plus, if you apply to transfer by 1 April 2025, you’ll receive £500 to £2,500 cashback. Exclusions, T&Cs apply.

  • Moving your old pensions to us can get your retirement savings working harder
  • We’ll cover up to £500 if your current provider(s) charge exit fees. T&Cs apply
  • Just tell us where they are currently held, and we’ll do the rest
Go to offer

Important information - It’s important to understand that pension transfers are a complex area and may not be suitable for everyone. Before going ahead with a pension transfer, we strongly recommend that you undertake a full comparison of the benefits, charges and features offered. To find out what else you should consider before transferring, please read our transfer factsheet. If you are unsure about the suitability of an investment you should speak to one of Fidelity’s advisers or an authorised financial adviser of your choice.

Our award-winning approach

We don’t like to blow our own trumpet, but it's nice when someone else does. We’re also proud to be a Which? Recommended Provider for Self-Invested Personal Pensions – four years running.​

which-stack-of-four.jpg (265×178)Boring best Buy Pension 2024 Logo  Boring Best Buy Pension 2023 Logo    Boring Best for Customer Service 2024 Logo

Need help?

Call our UK & Ireland-based team

0800 41 41 61

Mon-Fri 8.30am-5.30pm & Sat 9am-12.30pm


What are the SIPP eligibility rules?
Who can contribute to my SIPP?
Is my pension taxable?
How much does Fidelity's SIPP cost?
Can I transfer my pension to Fidelity's SIPP?
What pensions are available for self-employed workers?

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Important information - This information is not a personal recommendation for any particular investment. If you are unsure about the suitability of an investment you should speak to one of Fidelity’s advisers or an authorised financial adviser of your choice.