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Finances from separation to divorce

Important information - the value of investments can go down as well as up so you may get back less than you invest. Tax treatment depends on individual circumstances and all tax rules may change in the future. You cannot normally access your pension until age 55 (57 from 2028).

Plan for your financial future

No matter how amicable things are, there are steps you'll need to take to prepare for your divorce or the dissolution of your civil partnership.

This includes showing exactly what you have in terms of assets and liabilities as a couple - your home, cash savings, investments and often overlooked pensions, among others.

While relying on legal advice to understand how you may be affected and what your rights are, we hope this guide on what financial topics could come up during the process will help. 

Your budget

To prepare for your divorce you'll need to look at your current income and outgoings to create your projected budget as a single person.

For example, if you're looking to receive a lump sum from your ex-partner but you don't appropriately invest the money, it is likely to devalue over time. It's therefore important to know how long that amount will last you and how to make up any shortfall, if needed.

As part of your budget you could consider the following, among others

  • Saving towards your retirement.
  • Paying off any debt.
  • Creating an emergency fund with enough to cover three months' worth of your normal living costs. Then if anything out of the ordinary happens, such as the boiler breaking, you'll be able to cover the extra expense.
  • Taking income protection in case of long-term illness or disability.
  • Setting up life insurance so that your financial responsibilities are covered in the event of your untimely death. This includes your mortgage and providing for your children and/or elderly or disabled relatives.


Assets could include any property, bank accounts, savings, investments, pensions, businesses and joint collections of valuables, such as jewellery, paintings and so on.

The matrimonial home
Joint finances
Investments and tax
Business interests


If you opted for your ex-partner to receive your pension payments or a pension lump sum in the event of your death - known as an 'expression of wish' - you may want to change this.

Aside from your matrimonial home, the pension fund is, for many people, the most substantial financial investment they’ll ever make.

Learn more about pensions and divorce

Will, power of attorney and third party agreements

It's important to update your will, power of attorney and any third party agreements, as soon as you start seriously considering ending your legal partnership.

Unless you alter it, your will remains valid until your divorce is finalised and even then some details could still stand following divorce.

With third party ageements granted to providers of goods and services, your spouse can discuss, transact or obtain information without you being present.

Updating your details

Work benefits

Take control of your finances

Saving into an ISA

Access your money whenever you need to with our award-winning ISA, a tax-efficient way to save.

Open a SIPP

Save towards your future retirement with a self-invested personal pension (SIPP), or bring your pensions together to make life that bit easier.

Personal financial advice

If you want a personal recommendation on how to grow and protect your money, our financial advisers can help. Call 0800 222 550 for a free, no-obligation chat.

Ready to retire?

Our retirement specialists can provide both guidance and advice around your retirement options.

After divorce

Explore what you can do to set up your financial future after your divorce is finalised.

Finances after divorce

Important information - this information is not a personal recommendation for any particular investment. If you are unsure about the suitability of an investment you should speak to one of  Fidelity's advisers or an authorised financial adviser of your choice.