Market & shares data
View past performance, current share prices and factsheets below.
Important information - please keep in mind that the value of investments can go down as well as up, so you may get back less than you invest. Past performance is not an indicator of future performance. This information is not a personal recommendation for any particular investment. If you are unsure about the suitability of an investment you should speak to one of Fidelity's advisers or an authorised financial adviser of your choice.
Latest FTSE 100 performance data
Top 10 transacted investments
Top 10 transacted investments shows the most bought and sold investments by other customers on the Fidelity website over the past week.
Please note that the information is not a personal recommendation in respect of a particular investment. If you need additional help, please speak to a financial adviser. You should regularly reassess the suitability of your investments to ensure they continue to meet your attitude to risk and investment goals.
Invest Now
- Bought
- Sold
Position | Investment name | ||
1 |
86% Bought 14% Sold |
2 |
53% Bought 47% Sold |
3 |
74% Bought 26% Sold |
4 |
76% Bought 24% Sold |
5 |
69% Bought 31% Sold |
6 |
79% Bought 21% Sold |
7 |
51% Bought 49% Sold |
8 |
52% Bought 48% Sold |
9 |
49% Bought 51% Sold |
10 |
73% Bought 27% Sold |
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Fidelity has been licensed by FTSE International Limited to use the name FTSE All-Share, 100, 250, 350 Index.
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