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The Cash Management Account
Important information: The value of investments can go down as well as up so you may get back less than you invest. This information is not a personal recommendation for any particular investment. If you are unsure about the suitability of an investment you should speak to an authorised financial adviser.
An easier way to manage your money
We give you a Cash Management Account if you hold an ISA, SIPP or Investment Account*. You can use it to pay for fees, transfer money between accounts, or just to hold cash in. We do not charge a service fee on money held in your Cash Management Account. Money held in the Cash Management Account is not invested on the stock market so will not go down as a result of market movements.
Keep your ISA and SIPP savings where they are
We collect fees from any cash held here, before we look to take money or sell from investments held in other accounts, for example your tax-wrapped ISA or SIPP.
Transfer money between accounts
Move money into or out of the Cash Management Account, for example to fund your ISA or SIPP from your Investment Account.
Hold cash
You can keep your money in the Cash Management Account temporarily, until you’re ready to move it into an account.
*Cash Management Accounts aren’t available for Investment Accounts that you hold jointly with someone else.
How does service fee collection work?
We deduct your service fee around the 1st of every month. This is calculated based on the total value of your investments held the previous month.
When you pay service fees, they are always taken from your Cash Management Account.
- If you have cash in there, we will take the fees from this cash rather than any tax-wrapped ISA and SIPP investments you may have.
- If you don't have enough cash in your Cash Management Account, we will sell from the account the fee has come from to make up the outstanding balance and transfer that to the Cash Management Account. When we do this, we have a hierarchy and start by selling from cash within your account, then your largest investment by value and by asset class. This means for example we would take the fee from the largest fund before we take it from an exchange-traded fund or investment trust.
- We take your ISA fees first, then SIPP, and finally any Investment Accounts from the Cash Management Account. This gives you the best chance of keeping your ISA and SIPP savings where they are.
- For joint accounts that you hold, we take the fee directly from those accounts, and not from the Cash Management Account.
In addition to our service fee, there may also be charges set by the company managing your funds, and there will be additional charges for any share dealing you engage in. For more details, please visit our main fees and charges page.
Frequently asked questions
What order do you collect my fees in, if I don’t have enough cash in my Cash Management Account?
We always take your service fees from your Cash Management Account if you have enough cash in it (joint accounts are handled slightly differently, see above).
We take your ISA fees first, then SIPP, and finally any Investment Accounts from the Cash Management Account. This gives you the best chance of keeping your ISA and SIPP savings where they are.
If you don’t have cash available in your Cash Management Account, we’ll collect the fees from cash within your account where the service fee is due.If you don’t have enough cash in any of your accounts, we’ll normally sell units from the largest holding in your account to cover your fees where the service fee is due. This collection hierarchy is no different to our current process.
How can I add and move money between my Cash Management Account and my other accounts?
To move money from your Cash Management Account online to another account such as an ISA or SIPP, simply click on the ‘Move or withdraw cash’ option in our secure online portal, select the account you are transferring to and specify the amount.
Transferring cash between accounts is instant, however before you can transfer new money it will need to have cleared and the proceeds from selling investments will need to have settled.
Is the Cash Management Account available for all my accounts and will it pay any interest?
The Cash Management Account will be available to pay your fees for ISAs, SIPPs and Investment Accounts under your sole name. It’s not available for accounts held under joint names or Junior accounts. You are able to see the latest interest rates for these accounts here.
What are the charges for investing in the Cash Management Account?
We currently don’t charge a service fee on Cash within your Cash Management Account. However, we retain an amount of the interest received from the bank(s) we deposit your money with to cover the cost of administering these cash balances. Please go to for further details, including information on the interest we pay on these accounts, and how your cash is managed and protected.
Where can I find out more information about service fees?
If you’d like to know more, please visit our fees and charges page or refer to the ‘Doing Business with Fidelity’ document.
Is my cash protected?
Your cash held with Fidelity is protected by strict regulatory requirements. Further information about these can be found on our 'How is my money protected?' page.
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Please remember that past performance is not necessarily a guide to future performance, the performance of investments is not guaranteed, and the value of your investments can go down as well as up, so you may get back less than you invest. When investments have particular tax features, these will depend on your personal circumstances and tax rules may change in the future. This website does not contain any personal recommendations for a particular course of action, service or product. You should regularly review your investment objectives and choices and, if you are unsure whether an investment is suitable for you, you should contact an authorised financial adviser. Before opening an account, please read the ‘Doing Business with Fidelity’ document which incorporates our client terms. Prior to investing into a fund, please read the relevant key information document which contains important information about the fund.
This website is issued by Financial Administration Services Limited, which is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) (FCA Register number 122169) and registered in England and Wales under company number 1629709 whose registered address is Beech Gate, Millfield Lane, Lower Kingswood, Tadworth, Surrey, KT20 6RP.